Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Conspire + Inspire = Co-in-spire

Open Letter to Investors,

Do you know what investment schizophrenia is? Simply, the paradox that requires your profession to critically assess the ideas and find the one that is beyond your realm of understanding. The next best business idea might be on your table right now, but you won't see it as what it is. What a bummer!

You need to come to terms with the fact that there are a lot of people out there that are more intelligent and innovative than you are. When you are now tempted to provide a power speech about how your successful invest history gives you enough expertise to see the next big thing - then you have proven the diagnosis.

Fact is that nothing proven and tested has ever been groundbreaking and success comes from capturing the hearts and minds of people. Now, we have a proposition that gets you a solid investment opportunity without the grunt work and with certain success: coinspire. Not quite as geeky as Hackfwd and liberating for the geeky ideas we all carry around and want to try out sometimes. Now is the time.

With coinspire, we are creating a place where people can give in to their crazy ideas and make them happen. If you are a creative art student, a retired engineer or a gifted marketer, you’ll find like-minded people in our global community that can help along the way. Everybody is equal and has equal opportunity to do well – no corporate stepladder or dusty standard processes. We hope to really be able to skyrocket innovation in the world and let people have a real chance to give up their day job for a dream.

Who are we? Actually, people who all have successful day jobs and a lot of imagination. I personally want to develop a game that gives everyone the chance to learn,and to enjoy doing it. A friend is a robotic engineer in the European space program and wants to develop a fully automated robot that cleans Italian beaches. My wife thought up a bottle teat that mimics the shape of the mother´s breast and allows for a less painful weaning process.

What we have in common? We all have tried through government support programs, business venture conventions and good advice to take our ideas forward. We´ve gained a lot of experience about the roadblocks to success and we have found a way around them. We think coinspire is the answer and are driving to make it a reality, fast.

Before you brace yourself for some flashy slides that explain how the business will work, I 'd like to tell you how it will have changed the live of a single man. Click here, read it and enjoy but please let us know how you want to get involved. Now is your time.

If you want to be part of coinspire then give me a call on +49 89 2555 7300 or drop me a line. The future isn't waiting.


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